I like designer bags, clothes. People are not easy and good buyers. Most of the clothes are small to medium. Some things are very cheap and good deals. It is a very good site for buying not selling. Due to lack of space the clothes have to be put away. Please support the good cause by buying the clothes. I always sell good quality things which I would like to buy myself. Free piece of jewellery with each English clothing as they are from charity.For expensive jewellery I have to send it through signed for or recorded delivery by post office or Royal mail for security and compensation purposes. I don't accept returns, please double check your purchases before buying. Some Asian clothes that I bought on vinted that don't fit me I have to alter it by a tailor. I will be specifying measurements soon. Please again show your support by buying my charity clothes. A lot of them still have tags on. Thank for reading my profile. I am still new to Vinted and I am trying to improve my selling skills all the time but please give positive feedback which I can improve on. I have accomulated too much stuff and need to decluttre as reasonable price. I can make special hair oil for dandruff and hair regrowth on please message for any further details. I want to donate the money earned from the charity shops I purchased my clothes to the victims in Turkey and Syria 🇸🇾. Please please buy and help the earthquake victims.I have already donated some money to British Red Cross ❌️ ✝️. U ARE HELPING CHARITY AND EARTHQUAKE VICTIMS. THANKS SO MUCH. I also can refund postage fee if any on PayPal.
- Vaatekaappi
- Arvostelut